If you’re a typical Mom, you have tons of framed photos around the house. And if you’re a typical modern Mom, these photos probably span years and chances are none of them are recent. With the dawn of digital pictures, most of us rarely make prints. Our images are stored on our computers, phones, memory cards, CDs and more. Anywhere, but on display in our home. Well, now there’s a way to get those images out of cyberspace and into a frame.
The Kodak Pulse Digital Photo Frame is a beautiful frame that holds up to 4000 pictures and has several different dynamic display options. You can send the photos wirelessly from places like iPhoto, Kodak Gallery, Facebook, and even upload them from a memory card or flash drive. But here’s where the Pulse really gets ours racing. You can create an email address for your frame and email photos directly to it from anywhere. So that moutaintop shot you took when you were skiing will be on display by the time you’re at the bottom of the slopes. It comes in a 7-inch and a 10-inch version and makes an amazing gift for loved ones who live far away or even just to have in your office so you can get updated pictures when you’re not around.
Watch this twirl and find out why being framed might not be such a bad thing.
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