Before becoming a Mom, I worked in land use planning and environmental mediation. I spent many hours at a desk writing and editing technical reports, reviewing site plans, analyzing environmental and statistical data, making phone calls, and developing public participation programs with various communities and organizations. This means I spent much of my career attached to a desk. Now that I work from home, I still find myself at a desk in front of a computer for many hours each day.
American employees spend roughly a third of their time working, and many jobs – particularly in offices are stationary. A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk for heart disease and a whole host of other chronic conditions. Ergonomic office furniture is helpful, but not always enough to prevent workplace injuries. Exercising at your desk is a great way to stay active, but it’s important to protect yourself from repetitive movements that may cause conditions like carpal tunnel, tendon injury, bursitis, and muscle strain.
Exercise is a vital and important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. While I make an effort to fit in a regular exercise routine, some days are just too busy or packed with deadlines for me to spend much time away from my home office while the kiddos are at school. Fortunately, there are quite a few ways in which we desk jockeys can exercise our bodies and burn some extra calories. The next time you can’t get away from your desk, consider the following tips.
Infographic source: KT Tape
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