What do you mean you don’t have hours and hours to read every fascinating article on the web that you stumble across? If you are like most of us busy moms, you know that reading of any kind is a luxury. Now there’s a great way to save articles you come across and read them later. Like a DVR for your computer. Pretty cool, huh?
Better than bookmarks which just stay on one computer, because you can log into your Read It Later account from anywhere and there’s even apps for tablets and smartphones and other devices. And, because this is such a useful idea many sites, like Zite and Pulse, are building Read It Later buttons right into its programs.
So check out this Twirl and…shoot, one sec. My son’s calling again…find out how you can read what you want later, when you have more time. Although who knows when that’ll be.
This Week's Articles Read, learn, live
Summertime grilled vegetables
5 Ways to make this summer full of unforgettable family fun
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