Wouldn’t it be great to be really rich like Brangelina? The private jets, exotic locations, never having to iron your laundry or do a Target run…What? We all have our dreams.
If having legions of personal assistants is just a little bit out of your reach, but you still need the occasional helping hand, what do you do? You could bother family members or even hire a stranger off of Craigslist. No thanks!
Try TaskRabbit. It’s a website that helps to connect you with prescreened helpers who can help you get just about anything done.
TaskRabbit offers a more affordable way to delegate all the tasks you’d rather not do. Post a job on their website and eager contenders will try to outbid each other for the job so you can get that swedish furniture assembled for the absolute lowest price. Want your work shirts ironed every week? Set up a recurring task, and a kindly neighbor looking to make a little extra cash might step up to help you out for less than a few lattes. You can breathe easy knowing everyone has been pre-screened and thoroughly background-checked. And if you’re looking to make a little extra cash yourself, becoming a rabbit is an easy way to find jobs that you’ll enjoy doing.
Hey, if you can swing a full-time personal assistant, all the power to ya, baby. For everyone else, check out TaskRabbit.
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