![Moms, smartphones and mack daddy addictions](https://themomiverse.com/wp-content/themes/thesis_183/custom/scripts/timthumb.php?w=633&h=400&zc=1&src=https://themomiverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/MomSmartphoneFeatured.jpg)
When we were kids (OK for some of you this might not hold true – depending on your age), we didn’t have cell phones. Even in my early career before kids, I remember using a staff assigned cell phone for field visits (I was working as a city land use planner at the time) and it was aptly named “The Brick.” It was huge, heavy and almost as big as my purse.
Technology has come a long way since then (boy, I sound old) and we can probably all agree that it has made life both easier and more complicated at the same time. We have access to a plethora of games and productivity apps suited for a variety of smartphones using the iOS, Andoid, Blackberry or Windows platforms. We can find helpful ways to simplify tasks like syncing family members’ calendars and schedules, finding the nearest Starbucks, planning our weekly dinners and logging our daily exercise and calories. However, with text messages, social media, internet access and email accessibility, our mack daddy data plans have turned us into smartphone addicts – making it difficult for us to stay unplugged.
Our friends at Life360™ – a leader in the development of family GPS tracking – surveyed their members to ask how they use their smartphones. Their findings might surprise you. See the survey results in the infographic below:
Infographic source: Life360™
Can you relate to the findings in the infographic above? Do you feel you could go without your smartphone or would we have to pry it from your cold, dead fingers?
Tell us how having a smartphone has changed your life? How do you use it to manage your family?
About Life360
Life360 is the leader in mobile family safety, providing peace of mind and security to millions of families around the world. As featured on Fox News Channel, CNBC.com and The New York Times, Life360 provides a way for families on the go to keep each other safe by turning their cell phones into ultimate safety devices.
Wants some more good news? The Life360 family GPS tracking app is free! It’s available for iPhone, Android and Blackberry.
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