Remember when the word “friend” was just a plain, old noun? Well, thanks to Facebook, it’s been promoted to a full-fledged verb. But if “friend me” isn’t a part of your vocabulary, don’t worry. We’ll break down the fundamentals of Facebook.
Why are so many people hooked on Facebook? There’s never been an easier way to stay in touch with so many people all at once. Facebook makes it super easy to find people from your past and stay in touch with friends and family – whether they live down the street or on the other side of the world. Best of all, you can do this any time, anywhere from any web-enabled device.
Can anyone remember a time before Facebook? The ubiquitous social network has half a billion members and counting, and it’s become the way to share photos, updates and videos with family and friends. But if you haven’t ventured in yet, it can feel like the Facebook phenomenon is passing you by.
Check out our new video below. I’ll cover the basics and start from the beginning, so we can break this social media juggernaut down step-by-step.
Facebook Fundamentals — powered by ehow
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Great video, but that pillow… DISTRACTING!!!!
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