Our mission at theMomiverse.com is to encourage Moms to take time – and make time – for themselves. This mission keeps us busy as we search for tools and sites that simplify our lives. Whether you’re a Type A mom, a relaxed Mom or just someone who wants to be better organized, we found another tool that will help you do just that. The 2013 Confident Mom Weekly Household Planner helps to make the daily lives of moms more organized, more productive, less stressful, and overall more pleasant.
This weekly planner keeps busy moms motivated and on track with all their to-do items day after day, week after week, all year long. It breaks down household items into manageable daily and weekly tasks, utilizing smaller increments of time to keep the tasks from becoming too large and overwhelming.
No stone is left unturned. It includes all those chores that you forget about and can never seem to fit into your schedule (like vacuuming under furniture) as well as taking your vitamins, exercising, meal planning, and pampering yourself. It will even help you make sure you’re drinking enough water each day. There’s also space available to jot yourself notes or add your own to-dos or reminders. We love a tool that helps us become more organized while reminding us to take care of ourselves!
Momiverse Seal of Approval!
The 2013 Confident Mom Weekly Household Planner is available in two versions. One includes daily quiet time to read through the Bible in a year and the other has no Bible reference or study time. Both versions include weekly fun or inspirational quotes for added enjoyment and motivation. Regardless of which version you choose, it will help you create a smooth running, stress-free home – which ultimately makes for a happy mom!
The Weekly Household Planner Supplement is also available as a separate item and includes:
- Master family planner to keep track of the entire family’s activities on a daily/weekly basis.
- Special occasion calendar/gift planner so you’ll always be prepared for the next birthday or special occasion.
- Holiday gift planner worksheet to keep track of your holiday shopping list and purchases.
- Babysitter information form so your sitter has all the important info he or she needs.
- Quick contacts to keep important contacts available for easy reference when you need them in a hurry as well as frequently used numbers.
- Family emergency/medical information form to keep medical and insurance info easy to find and share with those that need it.
- Website/app list for kids so you can record websites/apps your kids are interested in.
- Website/app list for me so you can record websites/apps you want to visit or buy.
- Account keeper sheet to keep track of online accounts, including usernames and passwords.
- Weekly menu planner/shopping List so you arrive at the store prepared and don’t over-purchase.
The 2013 Confident Mom Weekly Household Planner is available for $9, and the Weekly Household Planner Supplement is available for an additional $5. For only $14 for both, this is a great value and a small price to pay for peace of mind! Both are available as a digital PDF download so you can begin your household transformation immediately! Use promo code: MOMIVERSE for $2 off when you both the planner and supplement.
Note: The MOMIVERSE promo code will be good through December 4, 2012.
Take action now! Get your household and life organized so you can enjoy 2013!
We’ll be giving away one full pack of both the 2013 Confident Mom Weekly Household Planner and Supplement! Follow the directions below to enter for a chance to win!
Please tell us in the comment section below: Which activity do you have a hard time fitting into your schedule?
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This looks awesome!! I don’t do Twitter, but I did 2 entries. Keeping my fingers crossed! 🙂
Who is the winner?
@AWelbaum You won the @ConfidentMom 2013 Weekly Household Planner #giveaway! http://bit.ly/WYcgRT