In order to be successful in life there are many obstacles you’ll need to overcome. Some of these obstacles may be tougher than others such as the ones you create internally. However, you can still overcome these self-created obstacles with hard work and determination.
Think of your life as a huge Etch A Sketch®. Instead of living the same old life day after day, make the necessary changes. It’s like shaking the Etch A Sketch board, wiping the slate clean and starting over.
You can overcome those obstacles that keep you from moving forward and start over with the following tips:
Clearly understand your goals. It’s not enough to create goals, you must clearly understand and know what it is you’re trying to accomplish. Setting goals is only the first step. You must then take the next step and set a plan to achieve those goals. Now here’s where the Etch A Sketch will come into play. Just because you have a goal and a well thought out plan doesn’t mean that you won’t run into problems. The reality is that things rarely go exactly as you’d expect. Don’t let that deter you. Wipe the slate clean. Make the necessary changes and try again. However, be prepared for the unexpected by having a few preliminary ideas on how to handle a situation if it arises.
Trust yourself. This, perhaps, is one of the most difficult things you’ll need to learn. You and you alone are in charge of your destiny. You are the one who is setting your goals and you’re the one making them happen, so you must trust yourself. If you truly have a great passion for what you want, then you’ll be the best judge of how to make that happen. Follow your instincts. That little voice in the back of your head may very well end up telling you exactly what you need to succeed in your goals.
Obtain help. You may think that you can do everything on your own or simply give up when you encounter an obstacle that is too difficult for you to overcome on your own. Understand that you can’t do it all alone and you must ask for and get help. Get your friends, family or co-workers involved and welcome their input on how to get around an obstacle in your path. This will bring you new ideas and fresh perspectives on the problem in ways you may have never considered.
Stop and reassess. There are times when – no matter how hard you try – things just don’t go your way. This is when you need to stop, take a step back, and look at things from a different perspective. It’s difficult to see the fine details when you’re doing the same thing day after day. It’s important to take a break and walk away for a bit. Change your focus for a time; then come back to the problem. You may see something you missed.
Don’t give up. Nothing has ever been solved or accomplished by giving up. Vince Lombardi said it best:
“Winners never quit and quitters never win.”
In order to succeed you must be willing to change your approach. Don’t quit or give up because the situation gets tough. Instead keep at the problem until you find a solution.
Clean the slate. Sometimes – despite all your efforts – you need to rebuild from the ground up. Maybe one of your fundamental ideas was wrong and it affected everything else. This happens. And while it’s a setback, it’s not the end of your dream. This is when you can use the Etch A Sketch mentality to start fresh. With a little more effort and hard work, you can do it!
Being successful isn’t easy. If it were, then everyone would be successful. Achieving success involves a lot of hard work, dedication and sometimes sacrifices. Your hard work and sacrifices will be worth it in the end as long as you never give up on your dream.
Note: Etch A Sketch® is a registered trademark of The Ohio Art Company.
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