The direction of our lives is determined by the choices we make every day. They accumulate and add up to our ultimate destiny. Here are eight choices that will help you create a life of abundance and prosperity.
Make the choice to:
Grow personally. This sounds simple but many people only wish to grow personally. They never take action, such as actually exercising, saving more money etc. Make a decision today to be a person who is on the never-ending journey of personal growth.
Treat others right. We come across all sorts of people, many of whom will treat us poorly. We can choose to treat them right, no matter how they treat us. When they lie, we will tell the truth. When they cheat, we will play by the rules. We may get the short end of the stick sometimes, but in the long run, we will win. Most importantly, we will be able to sleep at night.
Break a bad habit. Take the biggie first. Tackle it head on. If you don’t know what it is, ask a friend. Then spend every effort you can to break that habit. Forget about the others, as you will get to them later. Stop smoking, get out of debt, lose your excess weight. Exercise the power to choose!
Work smarter. Many people I work with feel like they are out of balance. One of the first things I do is try to find out how much time they are wasting at work, which makes them work longer and throws the rest of their life into chaos. Getting your work done diligently in the time you have will free your life up extraordinarily.
Work as a way to help others, not to make money. If you put your heart into helping others, the money will most assuredly come. Spend time helping others grow and your finances will grow with it.
Become balanced spiritually, emotionally and physically. Our lives are best when we have these three major areas in balance. Spend some time cultivating your spirituality and becoming emotionally healthy and physically fit.
Sow more than you reap. There are many takers in this world, but our lives will be better as we become givers. The world will become better as we become givers. Give away your time, give away your money, give away your love.
Get home for dinner more often. Your family is the most important group of people you will ever belong to. Make a decision today to grow your relationship with your parents, siblings, spouse and children. This is one choice you will never regret.
One of my favorite quotes:
The history of free men is never written by chance, but by choice – their choice.
–Dwight D. Eisenhower
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