Many of us are emotionally out-of-control, lacking presence of mind, and allow life to take us on an emotional roller coaster – making us crazy and at the mercy of our life situations, emotions, and other people. Having class and control means you are grounded and comfortable with who you are. When you are grounded, people will see that you maintain class and control through any life challenge and not much can shake you.
Try these seven steps to develop your inner elegance and maintain class and control through any life challenge.
1. Be mindful.
In order to find and express your inner elegance you first have to envision yourself as an elegant person. To start this change, begin thinking of yourself in the way in which you wish to be
perceived. Once you start this thought process everything else will fall into place.
2. Be graceful.
Gracefulness is a key component of elegance. When you are graceful, you move slowly, have a positive but quiet confidence about yourself, and you think and speak with poise, charm, dignity and beauty. You are deliberate in who you are without being pushy.
3. Maintain self-control.
Do not throw tantrums or play emotional games. You do not need to manipulate others to get what you want. Being in control and owning who you are is what draws love and opportunities to you. When you have self-control and are emotionally intelligent, others will view you as smart, and smart is sexy.
4. Express an elegant style.
An elegant woman does not show all her assets. Dress in a way that provides sex-appeal by provoking curiosity and professionalism. Your style should exude sophistication. Do not overtly use your appearance to be noticed. Become more by being less. Elegance is not conservative. It is refined, sexy, and tasteful.
5. Be inventive.
Create or design your own personal image and think originally. Use your intelligence and be dynamic in your speech and neatness. Use all the intricacies of your personality. You are clever which brings out your charm, intelligence, innocence, and cuteness. Show that you can be natural and childlike in one moment and a fierce no-bullshit-woman in the next. Never be predictable.
6. Be clear.
Do be not afraid to be yourself. Give little thought to what others think of you. A big ego is not part of your plan. Be clear about who you are so your inner elegance shines through. Demonstrate you have high standards and will not accept less than the treatment you deserve.
7. Become self-sufficient.
Do not expect anyone to take care of you emotionally, physically, or financially. You must have the confidence, courage, and motivation to be self-sufficient. Be passionate about your life, your independence, and your ability to love. When you embody this confidence, you can give yourself to relationships without losing your own ground, passion for your life, and the achievement of your dreams. Treat yourself as a priority. If you love yourself, you can better love others. Truly possess this quality, so it’s not an act.
Commit to being grounded and emotionally intelligent to avoid becoming a crazy, insecure girl. As you focus on yourself, you will learn to love yourself. When you love yourself, you become an elegant, confident, graceful, and desirable woman who commands the right kind of attention and praise. Why? Because people feel you have it together both inside and out.
Little life message: Handle your emotions like a business rather than like a little girl who needs nurturing and reassurance.
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