Do you have people in your life that drain the life out of you? You know, energy suckers? Believe it or not, they are direct reflections of the limiting beliefs you have about yourself. They are simply mirroring back to you the insecurities which they sense coming from you! Luckily you can change who is drawn to you and how people interact with you by changing the way you think and feel about yourself.
To improve the relationships in your life, you need to improve your self-image first. We all give off energy commonly referred to as vibes. When you have a low self-image you give off negative vibes, and when you have a high self-perception you give off feel-good or positive vibes.
The vibes we give off attract similar vibes to us. Negative thoughts and feelings about yourself will draw more negative people and experiences, thus validating your undesirable feelings! To have positive people in your life, you must first be positive about yourself and your life as it is now. Being optimistic gives you a brighter outlook and more gratitude for what you have, and that radiates higher energy, which naturally attracts positive people, circumstances and events.
Isn’t it wonderful? You can improve every relationship and aspect of your life simply by loving and believing in you!
The following three tips are powerful ways to attract positive people into your life:
1. Believe in yourself.
People can sense if you believe in yourself or not. If you don’t believe in yourself, then you’ll find you attract others who struggle with believing in themselves too. Believe in all that you are by accepting yourself for who you are, just as you are. Acknowledge your strengths, gifts, talents, physical beauty, and attributes. Be kind to yourself on a daily basis by having positive self-talk. When you believe in yourself, you will be able to honor your truth and follow your heart, which will attract upbeat people.
2. Forgive freely.
Holding resentment toward yourself or others is negative energy, and will attract negative people and experiences. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made. Forgive others who have hurt or betrayed you, or caused you emotional pain. Realize that all things happen for a reason; each life experience has helped you become who you are today. We all stumble and fall and have failures, but it’s through those times that we learn and grow. Without knowing failure you can’t enjoy success. Difficult life lessons are there to help you become the intricate and beautiful person you were meant to be, so learn from them and then let the negative memories go. The more you forgive, the more you will shift up to a higher energy which will attract supportive and loving people into
your life.
3. Remember like attracts like.
It’s a universal law. To have positive experiences in your life you need to be positive about you, and appreciate life lessons learned from your past and your current conditions. When you are in a positive mindset you will attract likeness. Embrace relationships that empower, inspire, and motivate you to be your best, and likewise, do the same for others. Make it a habit to celebrate the success of others, as well as your own. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams and cheer you on. The more you stay focused on being positive, the more positive people you will have in your life.
It is highly rewarding to be surrounded with positive people. However, it takes time and practice to be consciously aware of your thoughts and shift them from negative to positive. When negative thoughts come to mind just let them go and replace them with self-affirming, positive thoughts that support your heart’s desires. Make it a daily practice to love and believe in yourself. The more you see yourself for who you are – a magnificent person – the more you’ll draw loving, supportive people into your life.
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