Controversy arose earlier this year when Stanford University published a study that suggested organic fruits and vegetables may not be as healthful as touted by the pro-organic community. Unfortunately this received quite a bit of superficial publicity from mainstream press. However, this is an extremely important topic and is worth taking a deeper look into the reasons we need to go organic – for our families, communities and global environment. Here are six major reasons to go organic:
Toxicity to earth and water. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides harm our environment. These chemicals are known to cause cancer, birth defects, and neurological impairment. Bees, which we rely on in nature to pollinate crops and produce food, are becoming endangered, possibly due to the widespread use of pesticides. Bees travel from field to field and are unable to determine which crops are organic or conventional.
Cruelty to animals. Conventional practices of raising animals for food involve feeding the animal food that is laden with pesticides and herbicides as well as hormones, antibiotics and even arsenic. Animals are often maimed, tortured, and found wallowing in and ingesting feces.
Toxicity to our bodies. The chemicals we use in our food supply, households and communities are toxic to our bodies. The human body is an amazing and miraculous collection of systems and functions that work endlessly to keep us well. Over time, with continued bombardment of poisonous compounds, these systems start to fail. Risk of cancer, auto-immune disease, and neurological disorders increase exposure with every year, day, meal and bite. Every bite counts because it presents our bodies with pollutants that must be overcome and contributes to and supports mainstream conventional culture.
Expense. Organics tend to cost a bit more. How can this be a reason to go organic? Companies and businesses that promote conventional food, cleaning supplies, pesticides and fertilizer make their profits betting that people like you and me are more interested in saving money than saving ourselves and the environment. As businesses begin to realize that producing an organic product is what consumers demand, more green companies will emerge and more conventional companies will see the wisdom in going green. When this happens, with the power of competition, prices will go down.
Tastes better. In studies which compared the taste of organic to conventional foods, including fruit, vegetables, and meat, people consistently preferred the taste of organic foods.
Karma. Whether you believe in karma or not, when you choose organic foods and products, you are doing good things for you, your family and the planet. The result is a more vibrant, healthful world – both inside the body and out.
Make it happen. If you’re not currently choosing organic or green products, take a look around your home and in your kitchen to see where you can start. Perhaps you can begin by selecting one or two products – those that will make the greatest impact on you and your family. Once you begin to go green, you’ll find yourself becoming more mindful about the choices you make. Go organic and feel good.
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