What can reduce stress, improve cognitive function and help with weight loss? A good night’s sleep. What’s a really easy way to mess with your ZZZs? Using your cell phone before bed.
Here’s why: There’s this stuff called melatonin that your body produces while you’re sleeping. The production of melatonin is what controls your biological clock and sleep cycles. A new study from the Lighting Research Center says that s of two-hour exposure to a tablet, cell or computer screen can suppress melatonin production by about 22 percent, which messes with your sleep.
While it may seem harmless to answer some emails before bed, at the dinner table or during date night, you could be doing more damage to your health than you realize.
To help you put down the phone and improve your overall health (sleep is that awesome!), follow this advice and think twice before pulling out your cell at these times:
Before bed
If we haven’t convinced you yet, using your smart phone before bed excites the neurons in your brain in a way that make sleeping difficult. When your brain is overstimulated, you won’t be able to relax and fall asleep, which makes for a really tough next day at the office.
At the dinner table
It’s becoming common practice these days to put your phone out on display while visiting with friends or family over a meal, but we recommend against it. If you have a friend on the way that may need directions, mention why you have your cell out so your friends and family know you aren’t more interested in your Facebook feed than their conversation.
While you’re eating
Your smartphone doesn’t have a crumb protector, nor does it block the sound of “chomp, chomp, chomp” from your best friend on the other end.
Calling your mom while cooking dinner and munching on appetizers may seem like an efficient use of time, but she’s probably the only one that will put up with that. An easy rule of thumb: Put down the snacks before dialing.
When you’re with your significant other
Texting ain’t sexy. Period. If you’re both zoning out and chilling out the couch for some “me” time, Instagram away. If you’re trying to spend meaningful time together and enjoy each other’s company – whether it’s called “date night” or not – put away the phone.
On the toilet
Poop spores are real. And they like to travel. We recommend no selfies, Snapchats or Facebook updates while you’re doing your business to keep your cell bacteria-free.
The Momiverse is a content partner with BrightNest.com
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Using your phone while dining with others is pretty bad. That is the time when you are to connect with your company. Allowing your phone to keep your attention is like telling them you’re not interested.
Lea Bullen Agreed, Lea. That’s one of my biggest phone pet peeves!