Motherhood & Family
Life in the ‘hood

6 Signs your child may have an addiction
One of my favorite photos of myself is a photograph taken on Christmas morning when I was still a child. In it, I am beaming […]

Good parenting can make your child’s brain bigger
Scientists have known for a long time that low-income children have smaller brains than their more economically secure peers. And they’ve suspected that limited access to […]

The gaming monster: Is it hiding under your child’s bed?
Its 2:00 am and you see light coming from under your son’s bedroom door. You go in to check and find he is still up […]

3 Tips to make changes in your family
Take a minute to sit back and think about a time when your family was operating smoothly and everyone was feeling pretty good. What was […]

The kinds of girls that worry us the most
In this age of early sexualization, lookism, perfectionism, and materialism, it’s easy to worry about how our daughters can stand up to all the unhealthy […]

5 Tips for communicating with your toddler
Toddlers can be challenging, but understanding why they act and react as they do can make the daily interactions with one far more pleasant and productive. […]

Youth sports: The roles of parents, coaches and players
A team and its success is much like a three legged stool composed of parents, coaches, and players. If one leg is broken, the stool […]

College applications: Show initiative in your extracurricular activities
By Alison Cooper Chisolm and Anna Ivey What are admissions officers looking for when it comes to activities? They are looking for evidence of the […]
This Week's Articles Read, learn, live
Summertime grilled vegetables
5 Ways to make this summer full of unforgettable family fun
10 Reasons to take a family vacation in Puerto Vallarta
5 Fun tips for spring cleaning with kids
10 chick flicks with New Year’s Eve scenes
The day after Christmas: 5 ways to handle the biggest downer of the year