Motherhood & Family
Life in the ‘hood

A new perspective for moms: Through the eyes of a child
Why are Moms so hard on themselves? Elevate Church filmed this video for a past Mother’s Day. In this video, several Moms describe themselves as a mother. These same […]

10 Ways to teach your children about internal discipline
Pity the parent of an undisciplined child. Their life is chaos. They never know when the eruption may come – in the middle of a […]

3 Tips for getting rid of mom guilt for good (your own good)
Mom guilt is the phrase of the day. Moms are slinking through life with more guilt than the guy who thought New Coke was a […]

Sex education 2.0: 7 Ways to teach children about the birds and bees
When most parents think about their role in educating their children about sex, they get stuck on “the talk” – the birds and the bee’s […]

15 Ways to appear cool to your kids
A Dad’s Point-of-View One of my favorite mantras is: Be your kid’s best parent rather than his best friend. As strongly as I believe in […]

3 Ways moms can kick resentment to the curb
What have you done for me lately? You know the drill. Your son asks you to leave the office early to pick him up at […]

Are you unintentionally encouraging misbehavior in your kids?
Do you ever feel exasperated with your children’s continued misbehavior? If so, you’re like many other parents! You may even feel like shouting at your kids, […]

Are you a helicopter parent? – Land safely in four easy steps
As mothers, we receive plenty of input about what we should be doing, should have done or should do now. Frankly, we should have known better, […]
This Week's Articles Read, learn, live
Summertime grilled vegetables
5 Ways to make this summer full of unforgettable family fun
10 Reasons to take a family vacation in Puerto Vallarta
5 Fun tips for spring cleaning with kids
10 chick flicks with New Year’s Eve scenes
The day after Christmas: 5 ways to handle the biggest downer of the year