Love & Relationships
The ones we love

3 Ways to attract new love
Has finding lasting love made you feel insane? Have you found yourself attracting the same type of mate and suffering through the same painful prolonged breakups? […]

3 Ways to handle an unhappy marriage
Problems in marriage are inevitable. Even chronic. And so, at times, is unhappiness. After studying 645 couples where one spouse rated their marriage as unhappy, […]

Easy ways to feel more connected to your man
How’s your love life? Revved up and romantic? Or blah and meh? When life is busy (and isn’t it always?), making the time for love […]

Marriage: 5 Ways to balance your time and keep your identity
When you fall in love, you may feel as if you’ve finally come to a place where you can rest. It’s not easy meeting the […]

Dating: 10 Tips for the single parent
Are you a newly single parent wondering how to date when you have kids? Probably the last time you were dating, you didn’t have children. Making […]

Marriage: 7 Ways to be more accepting of your spouse
One of the biggest downfalls of getting married is the idea that our partner needs to be different and change certain things to make us happier. […]

Passion and adventure in marriage {with kids still living at home}
While there are children in the home, we often throw our marriage to the background. Our daily schedules revolve around feedings, changing, bedtime, bath time, homework, […]

4 Ways to respond to an emotional spouse
Men, have you ever tried to explain to your spouse why she shouldn’t be as upset over a problem as she is? Even though you may […]
This Week's Articles Read, learn, live
Summertime grilled vegetables
5 Ways to make this summer full of unforgettable family fun
10 Reasons to take a family vacation in Puerto Vallarta
5 Fun tips for spring cleaning with kids
10 chick flicks with New Year’s Eve scenes
The day after Christmas: 5 ways to handle the biggest downer of the year