Love & Relationships
The ones we love

Make your marriage a priority and your kids benefit
If there’s one thing that will throw a wrench in married-life, it’s kids. Don’t get me wrong, kids are a tremendous blessing and source of […]

Love and fear: 10 Points teenage girls should know about love
This piece started as a letter to my teenage daughter. Much to my dismay she now has a boyfriend. Although I would have preferred she […]

10 Tips for courteous Facebook engagement
It seems like everyone and their grandma is on Facebook, but there are so many ways people actually use the popular platform. Some use Facebook […]

4 Steps to prevent the escalation of disagreements in your relationship
Many years ago I had a conversation with my wife that could have ended our marriage. I’ve seen many couples engaged in the exact same […]

The secret to a lasting marriage
Divorce is an all too common thing. There is even a belief among some that if marriage becomes too much work or is too difficult […]

6 Signs he is NOT the guy for you
The endless search for lasting love can be exhausting, frustrating and depressing. In a world dominated by social media, serial dating, and a cheating rate […]

Does your negative mindset keep you from having a successful relationship?
Like a fire, love may explode or die when the fuel is gone. Friendship offers safety, fire provides the sparks, and a partnership requires that […]

The idiosyncrasies of siblings: Things only siblings understand
I have a brother who is eighteen months younger than me and two grades behind me. Some of my fondest memories of childhood involve my […]
This Week's Articles Read, learn, live
Summertime grilled vegetables
5 Ways to make this summer full of unforgettable family fun
10 Reasons to take a family vacation in Puerto Vallarta
5 Fun tips for spring cleaning with kids
10 chick flicks with New Year’s Eve scenes
The day after Christmas: 5 ways to handle the biggest downer of the year