Finance & Career
Earning a dollar and how to stretch it

Back to school shopping: It’s OK to say “No” to your kids
I’m not trying to scare you, but if you really want to know how much your children are costing you each year, you can go to […]

Weight and money: Achieve your goals in five simple steps
No matter where you turn there seems to be someone touting that they have the secret on how to lose a ton of weight or […]

Principles to ensure a fantastic financial finish
Most people want to get to the end of their lives and be able to live comfortably, take care of themselves and leave something for […]

11 Timeless lessons to teach your kids about money
Now that I have children of my own, I reflect more frequently on the importance of money and the lessons I’ve learned the hard way. […]

Your true wealth and value comes from within
There were millions upon millions of glittering lights shattering the night, tall neon-lit buildings reaching up to the sky, black limousines, bright red Ferraris and […]

Generational or personal? – Attitudes about how you spend money
The wise use of money is the only advantage to having it. ~Ben Franklin In an earlier time, under the influence of the traditional Christian […]

3 Tips for attending college on the cheap
The title of my local newspaper’s editorial is ominous: “Student loan debt casts long shadow.” It presents the latest report released by the Campaign for […]

American Banking in the Twenty-First Century
Over the past decade or so, banking officials made a fascinating discovery. They found their customers to be an untapped source of bounty, with depositors […]
This Week's Articles Read, learn, live
Summertime grilled vegetables
5 Ways to make this summer full of unforgettable family fun
10 Reasons to take a family vacation in Puerto Vallarta
5 Fun tips for spring cleaning with kids
10 chick flicks with New Year’s Eve scenes
The day after Christmas: 5 ways to handle the biggest downer of the year